The Destruction of Negative Self-Talk & the Rebuilding of Positive Self-Talk

Who we are outwardly is a reflection of our self talk.

Positive or negative, the inward directs the outward.

If our self talk is completely problem focused, we will tear down our own confidence which will plague our life.

The list of destructive self talk goes on and on and on.

It destroys self esteem and forward momentum in life.

The opposite of negative self talk is obviously positive self talk and positive self talk is similarly the complete opposite for our self esteem and confidence – it builds up both.

It helps us accomplish more in the future and it changes our demeanor outwards.

Making the Switch

How do we make the switch from negative self talk to positive self talk?

The answer is simple in concept, but challenging to change at our core.

Always seek out the potential successes in a situation.

Often called “solution focus” or variations of that. Seeking out past AND future successes changes how we think, changes how we act, and completely changes our momentum.

Instead of focusing on the problem that is in the past or the problem that might make the future worse, focus on the successes of the past and the potential successes of the future.

The more we think about, talk about, and write about success – the more it will be engrained in our self talk and our actions.

Find solutions.

Find successes.

Celebrate successes.

Obsess over successes.

It won’t be an overnight change – it will take persistence – but it changes everything when the switch happens.